Thursday, May 11, 2006

All Dryed up!!
I don't know about you guys but I'm really tired of being all dried up. God is calling us to new level. He wants us to live a life of Fire and power. He wants us to deliver living water, life to everyone we meet. How can we do that if we don't time with him when we wake up we are not foucased on what life is really about. We concentrait on what we think our needs are when really if we have Jesus all we need is more of him and everything else falls into place.. We dont need to worry about food because he will privide.. Nor do we need to worry about what people think. My Goal Put God first.. Fix the piping in my heart and Show others what a christian looks like. Not there yet.. but I want too.. For get wearing a WWJD bracelet. I'm going to adopt the mind of christ and wear Jesus and his spirit every where I go!

Thank you Jason for your Photo Input!!

This is a repost I could not get blogger to reload my photo just pretend it's the 9th when you read this!

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1 comment:

Emily said...

I STILL like it. B&W or color... for some reason I just think this picture is cool.