Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Nice Birdy!!
I didnt have a picture to use so I grabbed this one from last week.. I was following bird around the parking lot at lunch :)

aperntly I was tagged by Emily.. SOOOOO

6 Things you dont may not know about me.

1. I love photography and one day would like to have a studio for portraits but, my dream is to travel and have nation wide evangelism ministry. Its going to involve 6 tour busses.

2. I'm suppose to move soon, I'm not packed and I dont have a place yet.

3. I'm way behind on my bible reading.. I need to get caught up

4. I want to have a big family. More than 2 kids less than 10

5. I tend to be afraid that I dont fit in and that I'm not well liked. (trying to kill the fear of man)
Even so, allot of the complements I get I sometimes done belive.

6. I should be in bed!!

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Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Olympia has a farmers market and there is no better place to get the best fruit and flowers. Its a fun thing todo on a weekend or after work. I don't have much to say today. I need to get caught up on my Proverbs reading. Its amzaing how much Color God adds to everything!! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, May 11, 2006

All Dryed up!!
I don't know about you guys but I'm really tired of being all dried up. God is calling us to new level. He wants us to live a life of Fire and power. He wants us to deliver living water, life to everyone we meet. How can we do that if we don't time with him when we wake up we are not foucased on what life is really about. We concentrait on what we think our needs are when really if we have Jesus all we need is more of him and everything else falls into place.. We dont need to worry about food because he will privide.. Nor do we need to worry about what people think. My Goal Put God first.. Fix the piping in my heart and Show others what a christian looks like. Not there yet.. but I want too.. For get wearing a WWJD bracelet. I'm going to adopt the mind of christ and wear Jesus and his spirit every where I go!

Thank you Jason for your Photo Input!!

This is a repost I could not get blogger to reload my photo just pretend it's the 9th when you read this!

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This is all you get for today!! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Plant a Seed!
Todays Message: Plant a Seed! It amazes me that God created things that not only duplicate themselves but they duplicate themselves and spread. You never know where the seed you plant will end up. You know know how many other seeds will bare other seeds!

If you are foucased on serving only you nothing will come out of your life. When you stand before God your basket will be empty.. You will have no fruit standing behind you with there own fruit they created. One moment of you giving if your self can change the world because you never know when you loved the next Billy Graham. You saved someone from darkness and you added to your own treasure in heaven!!

Joh 15:16 You didn't choose me, but I chose you. I have appointed you to go, to
produce fruit that will last, and to ask the Father in my name to give you
whatever you ask for.
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Sunday, May 07, 2006

Divine Timing
I never thought I would capture something this cool this weekend.. A couple new events. My camera was out of comission for a while do to some sensor dust. Thanks to one of the guys at work its all fixed. I went to visit my mom this weekend and she is also exploring the land of photography. We went down town seattle and it just so happend that it was the first day of boating season and the coast guard was doing a show and tell. I just happend to be clicking when this guy jumped out.. Gotta love perfect timeing. I'm trying to foucas my life, my job, and everything else I do on Jesus and what he's done for me. I'm going to start working on my webpage again after I move I need to refoucas it and change some things. I took a good 400 pictures this weekend so I'll have some more soon.. As well as my Blog sermon/thought of the week.. so stay tuned as I expore more of who Jesus is!! If your not doing the same you need to jump in!! Oh For anyone one from PTMinistires.. Just thought I'd let you know that I'm caught up on Proverbs. Hope you are too!!

John Posted by Picasa