Thursday, April 20, 2006

Man Made Creation - Inspired By God
I love older bulidings. This one was ran down.. Even though its old and has history. I has beauty. What amazes me that the same way a builder put detail into this building and it looks beautiful. God created us put every detail into who we are and made us differnt from every other person in the world. He wants to spend time with us, talk to us and give us everything we need and more. Not only that God died so that we could have joy and life after death. Jesus gave us everything by forsaking all.

Why do we live our lives for ourselves in the name of God? We tell our friends we are Christian but when given the oportunity we don't stand up for him. Others can speak against him use his name volgarly and we sit in the background quietly. If Gays can speak for their rights bash thouse who stand up for truth. Why can't we stand up for what we know is right. Forsake all for his name. Posted by Picasa

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