Thursday, April 13, 2006

Time Away!
Showing down and doing nothing is one of the hardest things for me. I tend to have lots of seasons where God tells me I need to lay down everything. The reason i've found is becasue I have had a patern in my life of picking things up. I like to collect hobbies. I don't completely fishish those hobbies I just start them. So once again here I am in a place where I'm suppose to foucas on nothing but God. Its hard there are so many distractions. Video games, people, the internet.

The more and more I think about it I only know one thing. The only things that has been constant in my life is God.. Not necessarly the depth of my relationship with him (that hasn't been contstant)but his desire to presue me even when I won't give him the time of day. When I would rather put him on the back burner than spend time with him. Its a pattern I really want to break and I want to keep others out of because it is a slipperly slope of pride and irrogance. As we come up on Easter the one thing that keeps me wakeing up in the morning is that God wont let me sleep in and miss whats next. Its amazing even when I have seemed less thant interested in him he puts me on the front of his mind. He thinks about me constantly. He tell me where to go and what to do. See what I know is my problem and possbily yours is not hearing God.. Most of us do that fine. Its doing what we know we should when it seems differnt from what we think thinks should look like. When I feel like giving up on myself God reminds me that he has a future and a hope for me. But I have to follow. I must to be willing to give my life to him so that he can change it mold it and make it as increadable as he planned for it to be.

Am I willing(ask yourself the same question)

You can't answer with words you must answer with actions. By doing!

Remember God spoke and he put his words to action, he didnt speak and then go just watch

John Posted by Picasa


Emily said...

I read this right after you posted, but just now commenting...

1 - LOVE the picture. Glad you posted it--fun times. :)

2 - I'm praying for you that your pattern of picking things up breaks this time. God keeps bringing things back into our lives until we learn how to respond to them...

3 - I can vouch for the fact that you're at the front of God's mind. Yup.

Happy Resurrection Day - He is RISEN, He is RISEN INDEED!

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