Thursday, February 09, 2006

An email I sent to Emily,

I need a way to get better at my morning time. My friend and I use to meet every morning and pray I miss that. I find that I tend to do better with others involved. I just saw Anne and told her how I left early to take a picture of the mountain. MY mistake was wording it that I got up early for photography… Of course here response was classic. “When was the last time you got up for God? “ Naturally I stood there looking like an idiot. Because I cant remember the last time. Actually I do. It was because I had acid reflux and I couldn’t go back to sleep. When I get married I think I’m going to have to create a time with my wife to do worship and prayer before we start the day. How cool would that be? I gotta give God more time. I’m just struggling with how to make my day fit. Guess its time to fix my priorities. I just am horrible and following through with self motivation. I’m great at leading if people so up, But if I’m by myself I don’t do very well.

That’s my thought!

1 comment:

Emily said...

So... I know I took up your evening, but here's my question - are you in the Word tonight?