Thursday, June 22, 2006

Its no wonder Cats don't like birds. If you where eating my food I wouldnt like you very much either. It was totally cool trying to catch this little guy. Any slight movement even being behind glass and he would split.

I'm very busy with work chruch and all that. In the middle of all this is the feeling of not knowing whats next. Its exciting I'm moving to a new place and things are changing. What amazes me is that we continue to learn and take in all these things. And no matter how much life experience you have God always has more instore for you to learn. I watch my pastors and when I'm going though stuff they always have the answers. And even in their life the have 1 answer for everything JESUS. But they even with 50 years of life experience are only seeing the tip of what God has instore for them. Billy Graham even with all the things that he's done he's only seeing a glimps of what God can do by simply moving his finger.

So if you are feeling like there is no hope for you that its the end of the road.. Remember that Gods plan for you is
1. for Good/not evil (Jer 29:11)
2. Full of hopes and dreams he is ready to fufull for you.

He just requires that you submit your life to him. Give up what you might think is your best option and give in to the truth of the hope of Jesus. I dont say the broad you I say this to the specific people who read my blog.. You where bought with a price you have a high calling and GOd is ready to change you from the inside out Give you peace joy and everything you could ever one. All he wants is the thing he gave you and he could take alway.. YOur life.. The difference his.. He wants you to lovingly give it to him.. See him as the king he his . The brother and the father he calls him self. .

John Posted by Picasa

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